Treatment of Skin Lesions

Treatment of skin lesions is performed for aesthetic or functional reasons. Skin lesions are defined as all signs or lumps observed on the surface or inside the skin. These lesions are characterized as benign or malignant depending on their form and whether or not they threaten our health.

Treatment of skin lesions: benign lesions

Benign lesions are not life-threatening however we proceed to their removal for reasons of mainly aesthetic nature. The main benign lesions are the following:

  • Nevi
  • Papillomas
  • Lipomas
  • Nodules

Treatment of skin lesions: in detail the main benign lesions


Moles are pigmented lesions that are found anywhere in the body. Their color has several variations of red to black as well as their size as well. The nevi may be present from birth (relatives) or appear during the life of the person (acquired). People who have multiple moles or have a family history with melanoma should be examined regularly for their possible progression and if they find any change in their color, size or texture to remove.

The main alarming signs are the following:

  • Asymmetry
  • Irregular boundaries
  • Sudden resizing
  • Show bulging
  • Change color

The treatment of skin lesions such as nevi is done by removal only when there is a suspicion of melanoma. In no case does it mean that any change in the spirit of the Nevlos conceals malignancy, but we should be very careful.


Papillomas or moles are benign skin folds that protrude from its surface. They are found in various sizes mainly in the neck, face and armpits. Papillomas do not cause a health problem but are removed for aesthetic reasons or because of annoying friction with clothes. Treatment of skin lesions such as papillomas is done using laser, electrocautery or the method of cryotherapy.


Lipomas are benign internal tumors. They are soft at the touch and do not cause pain. It is possible to appear anywhere on the body and usually people show a lot and not just one. Their size ranges from a few millimeters where they are perceived through palpation to a few centimeters where they are distinguished by the naked eye.  Treatment of skin lesions such as lipomas is performed surgically, with liposuction or by infusion of lipolytic substance.


Nodules are very small-sized lumps of the skin, usually of white color and arise either because of incomplete cleansing or due to oily of the epidermis.  But many times they can evolve and cause more serious problems. Treatment of skin lesions such as nodules is done easily and quickly in the surgery of the plastic surgeon.

Malignant skin Lesions

In recent years there has been an increase in the occurrence of malignant lesions of the skin. Solar radiation and overexposure to this is one of the main factors contributing to their appearance. The main malignant lesions are the following:

  • Melanoma
  • Vasocellular Epilioma
  • The squamous cell Epilioma

Treatment of skin lesions: the procedure

After a malignant lesion is detected, the plastic surgeon schedules its removal and ensures the functional and aesthetic rehabilitation of the patient.

After removal a biopsy is performed in order to determine the type of damage. Vasocellular Epilioma is the least aggressive form of the three.

Treatment of skin lesions such as melanoma is particularly complex but has significant healing rates if diagnosed at an early stage. If the disease is at an advanced stage the plastic surgeon in collaboration with an oncologist decide on the treatment regimen to be followed.

Treatment of skin lesions: summing up

Skin lesions are either benign or malignant should be treated immediately. In the event that any change to an existing mark of the skin or the appearance of a new one is observed, we must immediately visit a specialist. The treatment of skin lesions is done immediately and painlessly. We must not forget that early diagnosis can relieve us of too many problems.